Available courses

I. The Objectives for learning Greek

       1. To approach learning Greek, not as an intellectual exercise, but as a tool for ministry.

       2. To provide constant encouragement for the students, showing them not only what they should learn but why.

       3. To teach only what is necessary at the moment, deferring the more complicated concepts until later.


       4. To utilize current advances in linguistics, not for the purpose of teaching linguistics but to make learning Greek easier.

       5. Greek - A Tool for Ministry (primary goal)

1. A Tool for Ministry

Biblical Greek should not be taught simply for the sake of learning Greek. Although there is nothing necessarily wrong with that approach, it is inappropriate for a great number of students in colleges and seminaries. Too often they are taught Greek and told that eventually they will see why it is important to know the material. In my opinion, they should be shown, in the process of learning, why they are learning Greek and why a working knowledge of Greek is essential for their ministry.

Course Description 

This course is designed to help students develop skills in the use of biblical language tools for doing exegetical studies in the New Testament. You will learn enough Greek to understand your computer software program, a reverse ainterlinear, a traditional Greek interlinear, a Strong's Bible, do Greek word studies, and use advanced academic reference tools. You will also develop the ability to “phrase” a biblical text. 


The New Testament was written in Greek, and all translations are one step removed from what the biblical writers said; the linguistic barrier can hinder our understanding of what the biblical writers meant. But many people do not have time to pursue the traditional approach to learning Greek. This class meets these needs by teaching enough Greek to use the study tools to get behind the English to the Greek, be able to do Greek word studies and read better commentaries, and thus to deepen one’s Bible study.